One of my favorite decor items in my house is my plate rack. It is a great way to change the look for any season. I bought these Autumn plates at Taipan for cheap (2.99 a plate). Mix and match the colors and sizes for a cohesive theme. This year, I found these berry sprigs at Taipan and thought they would make a great addition. I bought the sprig for 2.99 and then just cut it apart and placed individual pieces with each plate. A simple and cheap way to add a little color to the corner of my kitchen.
I bought the fabric and foam inserts at Hobby Lobby for $20, sewed and stuffed the cover, added $10 pillows from Walmart, and voila. (Will post a little sewing tutorial at a later time. It is "sew easy".)
Who knew a sprig of berries could bring such a change to plates and a plate rack I've had for several years.
LOVE IT! If I only had a brain!